Course Schedule
Saturday 9am-4pm
Lecture, discussion, training, case reviews for Penile Lengthening Augmentation Surgery:
- History of phallic cult worldwide
- Video: Penile anatomy using a cadaver
- Patient selection criteria for penile lengthening augmentation surgery
- Use of the Penis Image Assessment Scale for penile lengthening surgery
- Principle of surgeon and patient sharing the responsibility for results of lengthening augmentation surgery
- The concept of penile stretching
- The concept of penile stretching techniques
- Devices recommended for penile stretching
- Various penile stretching techniques
- Anesthetic techniques for penile augmentation surgery
- Complete penile block during penile lengthening augmentation surgery
- Current surgical techniques for penile lengthening augmentation
- Historical review of VY plasty
- Vertical incision versus horizontal incision
- Semicircular incision in suprapubic area
- Pros and cons of the detachment of all penile ligaments
- Importance of the optimal depth of the incision in lengthening surgery
- Importance of original anatomy and potential surgical risks and complications
- Average penile length increase during penile lengthening surgery
- Cosmetic wound closure techniques
- Sutures utilized for penile augmentation surgery
- Potential benefits of medical management during surgery
- Intra-operative pain management for post-surgical pain control
- Intra-operative retraction prevention technique using injectable steroids
- Case discussion
Lecture, discussion, training, case reviews for Penile Girth Augmentation Surgery:
- Video: Penile anatomy using a cadaver (brief review)
- Patient selection criteria for girth enhancement surgery
- Use of the Penis Image Assessment Scale for penile girth augmentation surgery
- Understand the anatomy of the shaft of the penis
- Dual blood supply of the shaft of the penis
- Surgeon’s responsibility for results of girth augmentation surgery
- Semicircular incision in suprapubic area for shaft augmentation (same as for penile lengthening surgery)
- Semicircular incision proximal to coronal part of the glans of the penis for shaft augmentation
- Non-inversion penile technique for shaft augmentation with a graft
- Inversion penile technique for shaft augmentation with a graft
- Techniques for surgical preparation of the shaft of the penis for graft positioning
- Ideal graft position under the skin of the shaft of the penis
- AlloDerm® preparation for penile augmentation (cadaver skin graft)
- AlloDerm alteration for penile shaft augmentation procedure
- Suture selection and technique for graft preparation for penile shaft augmentation
- Suture selection and technique for incorporation of grafts on the shaft of the penis
- Technique for reversal of the inverted penis with the graft on the shaft
- Average post-operative penile girth increase with AlloDerm
- Cosmetic wound closure
- Pros and cons of suture selection for penile shaft augmentation surgery
- Intra-operative pain management for post-surgical pain control
- Intra-operative retraction prevention technique using injectable steroids
- Case discussion
- Video: Penile anatomy using a cadaver (brief review)
- Patient selection criteria for glanular augmentation surgery
- Use of the Penis Image Assessment Scale for penile glanular augmentation surgery
- Anatomy of the glans of the penis
- Innervation and blood supply of the glans of the penis
- Surgeon’s responsibility for results of glanular augmentation surgery
- Semicircular incision proximal to coronal part of the glans of the penis for glanular enhancement (same as for shaft augmentation)
- Surgical technique for creating the space inside the glans for glanular enhancement
- Bleeding control during space creation inside the glans of the penis
- Correct graft insertion for penile glanular augmentation
- Suture selection and technique for penile glanular augmentation
- Surgical technique for penile glanular augmentation using DFGs or AlloDerm
- Ideal position of the graft inside the glans of the penis
- Case discussion